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Wilbur and Orville Wright had a problem.  True, they had invented the airplane, and after a long court case had been granted patents on it.  But now the brothers were manufacturing airplanes in Dayton, Ohio, for wealthy sportsmen to buy in the spring.  Those buyers would have to be taught to fly, but by whom?  Wilbur and Orville were busy defending their patents on the airplane.  They realized they had to take action:  They had to teach young men to fly and let them teach buyers of airplanes how to fly them. Although flight at the time belonged exclusively to the military, at this point Wilber and Orville, as inventors, decided to allow civilians to fly in


In 1910, flight was a military secret...

& then

the Wright Brothers

came to Alabama

Montgomery was thrilled!  

Here at long last was the city's chance to prove that it was a modern city, progressive and smart, no longer stuck in the Confederacy.  And, OH BOY!  The Wright brothers and their aeroplane would put the city on front pages everywhere.  The only problem?  The Wright Brothers had no interest in being publicists for a town they hardly knew .... You'll enjoy the story of the nation's first civilian flying school and the city that desperately wanted to capitalize on it.

Published by NewSouth Books, 2010.  To order from NewSouth Books, click here.  You may also order from Amazon by clicking here.  Order from Barnes and Noble by clicking here.

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