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I'm an author, speaker, and part-time professor - I teach journalism and freshman English at Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama.  

I'm the past president of the national American Journalism Historians Association (AJHA), and I love taking my students to present their papers at the AJHA-Southeast student symposium.  

I feel a kinship with each of my books.  I was born in Dayton, Ohio (the Wright brothers' home town) on Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (the Wright brothers' old flying field).  I grew up in North Carolina, where the Wright brothers first flew....  My great-uncle survived that Titanic at age 26 and lived to be 91, so it was my privilege to hear the story firsthand from him dozens of times.  My husband and I live in a house built the year before the Titanic sailed its only voyage, and one of our sons is named Alden for the baby in our Titanic family....  My grandmother Dorothy "Dolly" Congleton was born on Joel Chandler Harris's birthday. Three Not-So-Ordinary Joes opens with little Dolly's confusion over whose birthday it actually was, as the entire Atlanta school system closed (as she thought) in honor of her turning 6.  It took her quite some time to realize the holiday was in honor of the third of the three Joes, Harris.  I've loved seeing the places two of the three Joes lived and worked.

As you can see from the photo at the left, I dress in costume for my Titanic shows.  I plan to come in costume for my Three Not-So-Ordinary Joes shows, too.

If you'd like to contact me about a show, I'm available at "Julie Hedgepeth Williams" on Facebook and at  I'd love to meet your group!

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