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Come to my show!


The following list shows places I'm speaking.  Keep watching for updates!  I can speak to YOUR group, too!  

See reviews of my shows below.  At right, I'm dressed for Three Not-So-Ordinary Joes.  CLICK THIS -->


Public Library for the video.

Click HERE to see me doing a pandemic on-line speech about my Rare Titanic Family.

THANK YOU, Museum of Coastal Carolina, Ocean Isle Beach, NC, for the link.

I'm the fifth show down... please scroll.

dress in period costume for A Rare Titanic Family, Three Not-So-Ordinary Joes, and Little Newspapers 

on the Prairie.

I have several shows:

* An entertaining PowerPoint show about the Titanic, in which I show many family pictures.  This lasts for about 45 minutes. 

* A one-woman show as Sylvia Caldwell, who tells the Titanic story as though it's summer, 1912.  In this, I show some family artifacts.  This show runs about 50 or 55 minutes.  

* An entertaining PowerPoint show, about 40 minutes long, on the Wright Brothers in Alabama.

The two PowerPoint shows can be trimmed for a lunchtime meeting, but I'd recommend the full show if at all possible.

* A storytelling-based show for Three Not-So-Ordinary Joes.  I involve the audience in storytelling from each of the three Joes.  This show lasts at least 45 minutes and can run a little longer.

* A PowerPoint show on Carrie Ingalls, Frontier Journalist.  This one lasts about 45 minutes.  I've also done this on Zoom for varying lengths of time.

I also speak on:

* History of the Mass Media            

* Non-fiction writing


Unless noted, all times are in Central Time (US).  I'll always bring my book for sale and will take cash, checks,

or credit cards.  I can perhaps figure out PayPal or Venmo.

If you have a group you'd like me to speak to, do contact me on Facebook at "Julie Hedgepeth Williams" or on e-mail at


Ann Vandenberg of the LIT Alive blog in Atlanta saw my Three Not-So-Ordinary Joes presentation.  

We had a nice chat.  Her blog discusses an event honoring the 170th birthday of Joel Chandler Harris

at his home, Wren's Nest, in Atlanta, on Dec. 9.  Joel Chandler Harris was so important in his day that

city schools got out on Dec. 9 in honor of his birthday.  Children could go to his home and hear a

storyteller tell Harris's famous Uncle remus stories.  My grandmother, Dolly Schwab, also had a birthday

on Dec. 9.  She was so elated that the schools let out for HER birthday and everyone got to go to

Wren's Nest and hear a storyteller for HER birthday.  Gran was always so funny, telling that story

on her.  It took quite some time for her to figure out.  Here's a link to her blog of Dec. 10, 2019:  LIT-Alive

Upcoming Shows


I'm anticipating being filmed for three different topics in a history podcast... further details to come.

Tuesday, August 13, Museum of Coastal Carolina Sandbar Lecture Series, 21 E 2nd St, Ocean Isle Beach, NC -- A Rare Titanic Family one-woman show.  The program begins at 6.  You can come early and see the musuem, as the museum does charge admission.  

Reviews of my shows:

After Three Not-So-Ordinary Joes, a storytelling show:

"Julie Hedgepeth Williams was the guest author again and she was an absolute delight in her presentation about the

beginning of Southern Literature, which was the Uncle Remus tales.... When she stands before an audience, no one nods off."

                                                                                                Wayne Harrell, The Greene County Independent

After the One-Woman Show, where I performed as Sylvia Caldwell:


"Julie Williams' presentation to The Shelby County Arts Council was fascinating and professional.  All who came enjoyed the session and most couldn't wait to purchase a signed copy of her book.  I would not hesitate to recommend Julie to another organization."  

                                                                                                Bruce Andrews, Executive Director,

                                                                                                Shelby County Arts Council,  AL


"I have been receiving calls and emails about how much everyone enjoyed you -- 'Sylvia.'  They are so pleased I found you."

                                                                                                Bellann Fitts, Birmingham, AL

"Alea Club loved your Titanic monologue. It was so personal. Everyone was amazed that you could remember all of the stories you told! They loved you, and thank you again."

                                                                                                 Judy Haise, Birmingham, AL


"It was so great to be at Julie's presentation -- please let her know that I thoroughly enjoyed it, and learned a whole lot in the process. She weaves a wonderful tale."

                                                                                                Armin Sethna, St. Louis, MO


After a Titanic PowerPoint show:


"The pleasure was all ours! We thoroughly enjoyed your talk as well as speaking to you personally....  You are an exceptionally interesting speaker.  It was such a pleasant evening!"

                                                                                                Donna Stallions


"What great memories of seeing you present 'in costume' the amazing story!  Your presentation is spectacular and so engaging!"

                                                                                                Gail Barton, Librarian, then at Samford University,                                                                                                                         Birmingham, AL


After a Wright Brothers PowerPoint show:


"Not only is Julie an excellent writer, she is an excellent speaker. Our library patrons were mesmerized by her sincere presentation on Wings of Opportunity a year or so ago and they're already looking forward to reading A Rare Titanic Family and hearing her speak again."

                                                                                                John Tidwell, H. Grady Bradshaw/Chambers County Library,

                                                                                                Valley, AL


"Julie Williams passed the 'brown bag test' at the B. B. Comer Memorial Library with flying colors!  She brought the Wings of Opportunity story to life in a way that was appealing to our lay person audience.  She demonstrated her knowledge about the Wright brothers and their experience in Montgomery with enthusiasm, humor, and poise.  Our brown bag participants have seen many presenters over the last 17 years and they have consistently stated on evaluations that they 'love a good story' rather than an academic lecture.  Julie's technique does both!  She doesn't neglect the facts, but her storytelling technique is superb!"

                                                                                                Shirley Spears, Director, B.B. Comer Memorial Library,                                                                                                                     Sylacauga, AL


Tar Baby tale 3 Joes copy.jpg

Three Not-So-Ordinary Joes is a storytelling show.  Audience members help me tell a story from each of the Joes (Joseph Addison, JA Turner, and Joel Chandler Harris).  Here I'm Harris's Brer Rabbit, and the lady in the green hat is the famous Tar Baby.  I also perform the hilarious Brer Fox goes hunting skit -- your choice!

Me as Carrie edited.jpg

Here I am on a Zoom show telling about Carrie Ingalls as a frontier journalist.  That's Carrie on the cover of The Long Winter, my favorite book by Carrie's famous sister, Laura Ingalls Wilder.

Me with Long Winter edited.jpg

All the Ingalls family had to eat from December to May of 1881 was mush or biscuits made from seed wheat, ground in their coffee mill.

I do love my props!

Me with prop edited.jpg
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